次作にも期待! とにかく日番谷が可愛いくて藍染が黒くて市丸も黒い(笑)
黒い、切ない藍白がお好きな方にはお勧めです! Colection I in Aishiro series contains multiple Aishiro chapters: REVERSE, FrontSide, Second First Part, Second Part. First of al, I loved it! It sems that because it’s the first one of the Aishiro series, the style of drawing the characters are geting established compared to the later version of the series, but it’s of a minimal diference and nothing major. The drawings are way beter in quality and similarity to the original characters of Bleach when compared tother doujinshin my personal opinion.
Nowhen it comes to reading the bok, first half of the volume may be a bit hard to read for those who ned to lok up kanji up from dictionary like me, because words apear to be hand writen and it makes it dificulto make out some characters. God news isecond half is computer typed so it’s easier to read. Quality of the scans arexcelent both jpeg and adobe acrobat document PDF format wise. And because of this, although some words and kanji are hard to make out at 10% magnification, (If you are Japanese or are used to reading those characters, you won’t have a problemaking them out.) I can magnify them up to two hundred percento se the details of the kanji characters. At 20% magnification, graphic istil intact and wonderful! As for the plot line, I like it a lot. It has pairing of Aizen Sousuke and Hitsugaya Toshiro. It may disturb some people because in a way, it could be considered shota. It may also disturb some people because this colection I is al non-consensual sexual situation. But I liked it.
藍白総集編I [EVE-舎] | DLsite がるまに
「藍白I〜REVERSE〜」「藍白I〜Front Side〜」「藍白II前編」「藍白II中編」収録。