
デスクの上の独裁者 [ダメ人間の主張] | DLsite がるまに

    デスクの上の独裁者 [ダメ人間の主張] | DLsite がるまに




    デスクの上の独裁者 [ダメ人間の主張] | DLsite がるまに
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    First off, this isn’t yaoi, nor is it even close to R-18.

    This doujinshi focuses around the ventures of a random OC female card designer, who…

    Resigns, or something.

    Pegasus, irked by this turn of events, decides to magically appear in her apartment room at like, 3 in the morning, and proceeds to read her mind with his 1337, mind haxx0rzing skillz0rz.

    What he sees is ether a dream, a memory of a past life, or something equally as ‘Lol,wut?’

    Ether way, teim for the only nudity in this entire book – one panel of the random OC tied to a steak, asking for it. In the ‘here! See my boobs?! NOTHING ELSE FOR YOU. AHAHAHAHAH!’ kind of way.

    A vaugely established scruffy Pegasus then proceeds to ‘rape’ her, and this lasts for approximately one small panel of his fully clothed crotch mooshing into hers. [ …. ]

    After that, nothing really happens.

    Although, the girl turns out to be an angel or something. Which made me want to kill myself, because it honestly just tore my ‘This just CAN’T really be a Mary-sue in a doujinshi that they’re CHARGING for!’ notion into shreds.

    In all: DO NOT WANT. The art is unpolished, and inconsistent. The plot is incoherent, if not nonexistent. It’s focused around a MARY-SUE. WTF.

    Character Appearances: Random Mary-sue [ maybe even a self-inert?! ], Pegasus, Shaadi appears a few times for no clearly established reason, Yuugi and his grandfather for one page, and for one panel CROQUET! 😀 Too bad they made him look like a garden gnome. : Also, there is a random illustration of normal Bakura, and the final page consists of Mary-sue with some random male who looks like her clone. Joy.

    Final Word: Save your four dollars unless you’re a hard core Pegasus fan, who’s desperate for art of him. Even with lowest of the low standards, this is pretty disappointing. If it was crazy explicit, with more then one brief panel of nudity, I could see buying it. But as it is… Oh dear God, just no.