RE:PC -再録本- [anagura+game] | DLsite がるまに
![RE:PC -再録本- [anagura+game] | DLsite がるまに](
![RE:PC -再録本- [anagura+game] | DLsite がるまに](
![RE:PC -再録本- [anagura+game] | DLsite がるまに](
![RE:PC -再録本- [anagura+game] | DLsite がるまに](
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After years seeing samples of doujins by this artist that I couldn’t obtain I was so happy when I saw this up on DLsite, having this compilation with 12 of them available to download it’s great for those unable to import. The pack delivers what it promises, a lengthy compilation with diverse stories between humor, happiness, some sad feels and sex, mixed with quality art, and lots of love for the pairing of Piers x Chris.
Speaking of the art, the boys are beautifully drawn, both their faces and muscular bodies as reflected in the cover, some of the mangas are drawn in a chibi style that is adorable.
Those expecting a f*ck-fest won’t find it here, of the 12 “mangas” only 3 feature sex, and it’s not highly predominant in either of them, it focus more on the stories and the relationship of the pair. The sex scenes are hot though, Piers is always the top/seme but he sucks off Chris, sex always consensual with no r*pe involved, which is a good thing in my opinion.
My only complain in this department would be that the censorship is stronger than samples lead to believe, for example there’s a panel where Piers is pulling out Chris’ cock, on the sample it has 2 censor bars but on here is has 3 instead.
Despite not understanding the language I enjoyed the stories, the illustrations say a lot by themselves, a couple of the stories were in particular very touching, but my favorite thing of the pack is probably how humorous and fluffy it is, just brings a smile to my face going through it.
If you love this pairing, enjoy fluff and like the art style you will likely enjoy this a lot, highly recommended.